Hello, sexy

Time And Relative Dimension In Space – sounds sexy, right? While binge-watching Doctor Who, I decided to stitch an ode to the TARDIS. It’s based a quote from “The Doctor’s Wife” (season 6, episode 4), in which the TARDIS herself declares she’d like to be called “Sexy.” Because what’s sexier than a bright blue police telephone box capable of inter-dimensional time travel?

Here’s the TARDIS in progress (or, re-materializing):


And the final piece:

Hello Sexy

Who doesn’t respect Da Fonz?

In my other life, I’m studying to be an archivist. Respect des fonds is an important concept in our field, and some genius decided to make a play on words to create this meme.

Respect Da Fonz

Of course I had to make my own (and a few for my friends). I haven’t quite finished his face, but here’s what the piece currently looks like:

Respect Da Fonz


This morning, cross stitcher Jacinta Lodge posted a pattern on Twitter in a series of tweets. She didn’t tell anyone what the pattern was in advance, but instead sent out a tweet every ten minutes with a new line of the pattern (20×20 squares).

I was lucky enough to catch the tweets early on and joined in. Here’s the finished piece:


See Jacinta’s finished piece and her blog post about the project, #tweetXS.

Holy hydrangeas, Batman!

Here are some of the projects I finished recently. See more photos on my Flickr page.

This first piece may not ring a bell right away, unless you’re a close reader of the New York Times. The quote is from an article about the exposure of several Russian spies in American cities and suburbs. . . . So what have your neighbors been up to lately?


I also finished the third piece in my Shakespearean Insults series“Away with your pishery-pashery!” Truly, these are suited to any occasion: anniversaries, bat mitzvahs, baby showers. There’s always someone in need of a good insult.


This last piece is based on a quote from the Disney movie, Tangled. But you don’t need to know the movie to enjoy it. “Is that blood in your moustache?” is a rational question to ask many gentlemen (and some ladies!). You might expect this question to arise in a conversation that includes others such as, “Is your peg leg made from mahogany or oak?” and “Can I poke your glass eye, or would that be too rude?”

Isthatbloodinyourmoustachecloseup copy

On that note, I’m off to polish my fake teeth.

Duck, duck, goose

I just made my first sale on Etsy! Yes, it was to my brother, but who cares. He paid for it, and that’s all that matters. (j/k) This custom piece is a gift for his girlfriend on their six-month anniversary. He’s a sweet guy, and I’m not just saying that to ensure another commission for their first year anniversary. But I wouldn’t say no to that either . . .

Here is the finished product:

Rubber Ducky - Custom order

Do, do, do, di, do.


Look back at me, Richard Armitage

Period drama fans might recognize John Thornton’s distinctive nose and desperate plea – “Look back. Look back at me” – from my favorite period drama mini-series, North & South. I made this for my roommate (another Thornton/Richard Armitage fan) and it is currently hanging on her door. Did I do a convincing job?

LookBackframed copy